Can you give us a glimpse into your career path from college until present day?
I graduated from college with a degree in Philosophy…then went to cooking school, this was my art school. Realized that cooking was pure pleasure but not the career for me. So I started to take classes in graphic design and set my sights on Mullen[Lowe U.S.]. I don’t really know how but eventually I got in at Mullen. It was a pure privilege to learn and work with such talent. I stayed there for 15 years then set out with two wonderful colleagues to start our own gig.
What are the key characteristics of being a successful Executive Creative Director?
Generous leader, strategic thinker, respectful partner, sparkly cheerleader, confident presenter.
You told me that you don’t believe in a work life balance. Can you expand on that for our readers?
I don’t think life and work are oppositional. Work is part of life and the idea of balance seems outdated. The idea for me is more about overall sustainability. I don’t think there is ever a point that is static and balanced. The tide comes in, the tide goes out. The sun comes up, the sun goes down. The seasons come and go. The goal is flexibility, resilience and sustainability.
How would someone just coming out of college pursue a path to becoming an ECD?
Hmmmm. Great question. I think creatives should be in pursuit of doing the best work possible everyday. That is the best path to ECD.
What is your biggest creative obstacle?
Too many ideas. Not all of them good mind you. Sometimes it is hard to discern which path is the best path especially when you are in the middle of the process.
What inspired you to write your book (Do Walk) and what do you hope readers take away from it?
I have been very lucky to attend The Do Lectures and have been asked to speak in 2022. Speakers at The Do are often asked to write for The Do Book Company. The Do Lectures inspired me.
The Do Lectures >> The idea is a simple one: To gather together the world’s DOers, disruptors and change makers, experts and pioneers, to share their stories, and encourage others to go and DO.
The Do Book Company >> Inspirational Pocket Guides for Doers
Why do you think nature is such an integral part of your creative process?
Space to think. The humility that comes from being infinitesimal.
Having co-founded Mechanica, I’m curious if you have any business development tips for small creative agencies trying to get off the ground?
Always act with integrity, Always. This may not generate new biz right away but it will attract new clients. People want to work with talented, authentic and good people. Sure awards matter, but not nearly as much as being a good, smart, thoughtful person.
Knowing you are an activist in many movements from ageism to environmental conservation, as well as being a hobbyist in fly fishing, flying airplanes, and a parent to boot – are you conscious of time management and or how do you do it all without feeling spread thin or burned out?
I don’t mean to sound flippant but I know how much energy/time I have each day and I am very disciplined about honoring that. Yes it was a lot harder when my kids were little. One hundred percent. I have learned my lessons. Burning out is no joke and it is easy to do in this business. My MorningWalk was in response to feeling burned out.
In regards to the aforementioned activism around ageism, how do you propose we go about dismantling those prejudices in the workplace and in individuals at large?
Be angry. Get loud. Do shit to move the conversation forward. I am working with an amazing agency WeSpeakModels to actively address ageism in advertising. It is time people with grey hair are cast. It’s time.
Do you have a dream project you have yet to work on?
Working with the current administration on their climate change initiatives.
What advice would you give your 25 year old self knowing what you know today?
Don’t wait until you are 50 to start flyfishing and pursuing a pilots license.
What book, album, or any purchase under $100 would you take with you to a deserted island?
West With The Night by Beryl Markham
Tony’s Chocolate Dark Almond and Sea Salt
Do you have any interest in going to Mars?